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Post 19

by Silvina Bel Ilali

I bless you, my son / my daughter !!!
May GOD fill your soul with Peace and Love!
Let everything, that was unloving in our ancestry
become Love and Gratitude,
Acceptance and Faith in Life,
and with a strong Willpower
to apply the Divine Virtues !!!
My child, I always stand by you
and I support you with my unconditional Love in your choices!


Amen! Aum! Aumen!
Amen! Aum! Aumen!
Amen! Aum! Aumen!

Pray for the spiritual, mental and physical health of your children - every day! Bless them - every day!
Teach them to say Prayers and love GOD and LIFE - EVERY DAY !


by Slivina Bel Ilali

I bless you, my son / my daughter!!!
May GOD fill your soul with Peace and Love!

Let everything, that was unloving in our ancestry,
become Love and Gratitude, Acceptance and Faith in Life,
and with a strong Willpower to apply the Divine Virtues!!!

My child, I always stand by you and I support you
with my unconditional Love in your choices!


Amen! Aum! Aumen!
Amen! Aum! Aumen!
Amen! Aum! Aumen!

Pray for the spiritual, mental and physical health of your children – every day!
Bless them – every day!  Teach them to say Prayers and love GOD and LIFE -EVERY DAY !


How can a person help his children?
There are many ways. One of them is the prayer Mother's Blessing.
For me, this is one of the most wonderful things a woman can do. Pray for them.

Question: Especially when they are grown ups. In the evening, my daughter and I, when she falls asleep, she is a baby,
always /not by a book/, I call her, I bless her, I hug her, I explain to her how special she is
and anyone who sees her and says, "Oh, she's very special." But it is only about Love and blessing.
And you have so much Love that you can give to everyone.
Sometimes when we give to a lot, something right happens in the family,
so that we can grow even more spiritually.

Silvina: Watch them, though, in a few days you'll notice
that they will react to things quite differently.
Be convinced that the Light Force helps.
Things may slow down a bit because you have to go through something.
Your karma was such that this soul that is your child now was something else
and you have to go through this thing to level the scales. This is how it should be.
But when a person says a prayer and parents have the right to pray for their children every day,
to call, as she says, the mother's blessing.

When the woman cooks too…

At every moment the woman is leading, she is a priestess, she is a saint.
For her children she is everything, she is God until one moment.
And somehow people have forgotten that.
The woman has forgotten her power that at any moment she can introduce positive programs
in the minds of their children through the food she prepares for them.
These are all small things. All this helps.
So the Light Power helps these children, too, for the moment to come,
as I am convinced that today is the time and you will see it as a difference in the coming days.

Silvina Bel Ilali - excerpt from the lecture "The Power of Love - Divine Healing", Cyprus, 2019

  • Радка
    3:05 PM, 4 February 2020

    Много Ви благодаря! ❤️

  • Десислава
    11:47 AM, 7 February 2020

    Молитвата е вълшебство !!!
    Благодаря, че споделяте всички тези ЧУДЕСА !!!
    Бъдете здрави !!!

  • Донка Русева
    1:49 PM, 29 April 2021

    Великолепна молитва благодаря ви за нея. Бъдете здрави и благословени

  • Йоана
    11:45 PM, 5 April 2022

    БЛАГОДАРЯ за прекрасната молитва майчина благословия!

  • Ангелина Ботевз
    10:08 AM, 4 August 2023

    Благодаря, Ви Силвинка, за прекрасната молитва -Майчина Благословия!
    Вярвам,че силата на Любовта ще прероди моите синове.Ще излязат от тъмнината и ще поемат пътя на Светлината. Дано Бог да ги срещне с подходящите хора.И те да повярват в Бог и да са щастливи!

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